Poor Airflow

4 Reasons for Poor Airflow in Your Home

May 22, 2019

If the air conditioning unit in your Okeana, OH, home is not cooling the air as it should, the problem could be poor airflow. Poor airflow can make your system work harder, using more energy and forcing your utility bills to skyrocket. If you suspect poor airflow in your home, the problem could be caused by a number of different factors.

An Obstructed Condenser Unit

The condenser unit is typically located outside, where it can get clogged up with outdoor debris and yard waste such as leaves, branches, and overgrown brush. To ensure this is not compromising the airflow in your home, turn the unit off and clear away the debris around it, removing any loose pieces you can find.

Blocked Vents and Registers

One of the easiest ways to fix airflow problems is by making sure the air can move freely through your home. Check to see if any of your vents or registers are obstructed by furniture. Remove any obstructions, rearranging furniture to allow for at least a foot of space around each vent or register so the conditioned air can properly fill the room.

A Dirty or Clogged Filter

Your HVAC system is equipped with an air filter that traps dirt, dust, and other common pollutants to keep them out of the air supply in your home. If the filter gets too clogged or dirty, it may restrict the airflow so much that it cannot push through the clogs. You should change your filter according to the manufacturer’s guidelines, making sure to check it regularly.

Leaking Air Ducts

Either from age, renovations, or damage, you may begin to develop leaks in your HVAC system. When you have leaks, the air will begin to escape through these open areas. This will eventually significantly weaken the airflow coming through your vents.

Don’t let an airflow problem increase your energy bills. Contact Western Hills Heating & Air Conditioning at 812-227-3001 today. One of our experienced professionals will diagnose your problem and get your system running more efficiently.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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