furnace repairs are needed

What Is Wrong With My Furnace in West Harrison, IN?

December 23, 2020

It’s easy to panic when you realize your furnace isn’t working correctly, but there may be an easy and affordable solution. Based on the issues your furnace is displaying, here are some possible answers to what’s wrong with your system.

The Smell of Rotten Eggs

The smell of sulfur filling the air may smell like rotten eggs, but it can be a sign of a serious issue. Since the natural gas that fuels your furnace has no odor of its own, companies add a chemical to it to ensure you recognize when you have a gas leak. If you smell rotten eggs coming from your furnace, immediately turn the system off and vacate your home before waiting for a professional service tech to arrive.

A High-Pitched Squealing Noise

When a furnace is running at its peak, it’s almost completely silent. If you notice a high-pitched squealing noise, it’s typically indicative of an issue with the blower motor. Most commonly, a loose or severed belt causes the squealing, but in some cases, it can be a sign of a more serious repair issue.

Rumbling Noises From Your Furnace

When your furnace kicks off at the end of its regular cycle, there shouldn’t be additional noises. However, when fuel gets caught in the combustion chamber, it can produce an ongoing rumbling noise that indicates an issue with your pilot light or burners.

As is the case with all heating and cooling repairs, furnace repairs need to be addressed by a trained and licensed professional. Contact Western Hills Heating & Air Conditioning today to find out how we can repair your heating system and meet all of your home’s other heating and cooling needs.

Image provided by iStock

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