Need a Smart Thermostat

Is Your Home Smart? 3 Reasons You Need a Smart Thermostat

April 19, 2018

West Harrison, Indiana, has a very diverse weather pattern. Winter weather can dip into the negative degrees with ice and snow accumulating, and summer can be humid and sweltering. So, maintaining a comfortable temperature in your home is crucial.

Everybody loves their air conditioning when it’s hot outside. What nobody loves are the big utility bills. Smart thermostats can help you there. No one is in their home all of the time to constantly monitor the temperature. Most people set their thermostat once and forget it. Smart thermostats put the power back in your hands and let you take control of your utility bills.

Learn Your Habits

We live in a busy world. Old-school programmable thermostats are great, and they allow you to manually set up times when your AC will turn on or off. With the sheer amount of things you have to do on a daily basis, programming a thermostat can become a hassle. Smart thermostats can actually learn your habits and will adjust automatically.

History Reports Show Usage

Smart thermostats will show your usage over certain parts of the day and will give you reports showing the energy usage at various points. Some can even show you if you have hot or cold zones in your house. These reports can let you better adjust your thermostat to save costs no matter what kind of HVAC system you have.

Set Your Temperature From Anywhere

Imagine being able to leave your AC off during the day altogether, then turn it on from your car on the way home. This is what a smart thermostat lets you do. Most smart thermostats have accompanying apps. They will connect to your smartphone and allow you access from anywhere with an internet connection.

Take back control of your utility bills, and keep your family comfortable this summer with a smart thermostat. Call the fast, friendly professionals at Western Hills Heating and Air Conditioning at 812-227-3001 to schedule an appointment today.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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