air conditioning maintenance technician

Getting Your Air Conditioning System Ready for Spring and Summer

March 24, 2017

Originally published in March 2017, updated May 2020.

Although it’s been a warmer than average winter in West Harrison, Indiana, there’s no doubt residents are awaiting the warm weather that’s just around the corner on the calendar. To ensure your air conditioning system is prepared for the months of work ahead, take these steps for optimized performance and peak efficiency.

Remember to Change the Air Conditioning Filter Monthly

If you haven’t done so already, now’s the time to change your HVAC filter. As the weather becomes warmer, you should start to change it every 2-3 months to ensure you don’t compromise your indoor air quality or your system’s performance. If you have furred pets, it’s wise to check your filter on a monthly basis and change as needed.

Clean Around the Outdoor Air Conditioning Unit

As with changing the air filter, here’s another task you can complete on your own without the help of a certified HVAC technician. There’s no doubt winter has left behind debris around your AC unit. Simply clean around the outside of the air conditioner – stay away from the inside of it – and make sure there aren’t any objects impeding operation.

Upgrade Before the Warm Weather Arrives

Whether it’s upgrading to a newer air conditioner or to a programmable thermostat, this is the time to complete any major projects on your HVAC system. Not only do you want to take advantage of the benefits each upgrade provides before the summer arrives, but once it does, HVAC contractors will become busier and wait times longer.

Schedule Professional HVAC Maintenance

The number-one way to prepare your HVAC system for the hot summer months ahead is to invest in a professional AC service plan. The initial investment pays for itself by:

  • Lowering your monthly utility bills by improving operational efficiency.
  • Reducing repair costs by identifying issues early before they become major problem later.
  • Extending your system’s life and decreasing the number of systems or components you have to purchase over your lifetime.

Green Club Membership Benefits

You’ll enjoy the following when you join our Green Club maintenance program:

  • Priority service
  • Discounts on repairs
  • Reduced service call rates
  • Manufacturer’s warranty validated
  • Energy savings

For more information about how to prepare your HVAC system for the spring and summer, or if you’re interested in scheduling professional AC service, contact Western Hills Heating & Air Conditioning.

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