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4 Signs Your AC Is About to Malfunction in West Harrison, IN

September 27, 2023

All machines break down at some point, and an air conditioner is no different. Fortunately, your air conditioner will emit signs that show all is not well, allowing you to act promptly. Below, we will go through signs of an impending AC breakdown in West Harrison, IN.

1. Inability to Cool Your House

If your air conditioner is unable to conduct its primary function, there is a problem. Some of the issues that may cause your AC to fail to cool your home include refrigerant leaks, a clogged air filter, dirty coils, a faulty blower motor, ductwork leakage or an undersized air conditioner. Sometimes, you may have left your thermostat set to “HEAT” instead of “COOL,” too.

2. Loud Noises

Air conditioner manufacturers designed these systems to work quietly to ensure they don’t disturb your peace while you are relaxing at home. An air conditioner that produces loud sounds needs attention. Some sounds you should look out for include buzzing, banging, whistling, gurgling, clicking, rattling and squealing.

Various AC issues cause different noises. Therefore, it is always important to engage a professional technician to pinpoint the exact issue.

3. Increasing Energy Bills

Your air conditioner could be responsible for your recent increase in energy bills. An air conditioner consumes more energy than usual because it is overworking.

Overworking also increases wear and tear on the system’s part. Therefore, it is always important to schedule repairs whenever you suspect your air conditioner is the cause of the increased energy bill.

4. Age

An AC’s efficiency declines as years pass by; this is because its parts become worn-out with time. ENERGY STAR recommends that you replace your air conditioner about every 15 years or so. If your air conditioner is older than 10 years, it is not unusual to have an occasional AC repair.

Contact Western Hills Heating and Air Conditioning, Inc. for quality air conditioning services. We have the capacity to take care of any HVAC problem.

Image provided by iStock

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