performing furnace repair

3 Signs You Need Immediate Furnace Repair in West Harrison, IN

November 21, 2023

With temperatures dropping in West Harrison, IN, you’ll start using your furnace more frequently. Trouble with your furnace doesn’t only leave you uncomfortable, but it’s also unsafe. If you notice any of these three signs, you should schedule professional furnace repair as soon as possible.

1. A Yellow Pilot Light

When all is normal, your furnace’s pilot light should be blue. If it turns yellow, however, that is a sign of incomplete combustion and a possible carbon monoxide leak. Since carbon monoxide is so dangerous, you should shut off your furnace, leave your home and call for professional furnace repair.

2. Difficulty Starting Unit and Heating Evenly

It’s hard to imagine a more obvious indicator that something is amiss with your furnace than its simple refusal to start properly. A furnace will be more apt to do this as it nears the end of its lifespan, but there may be more easily repairable issues underlying this unfortunate occurrence. For example, your unit may have dirty filters or flame sensors, a broken blower motor or a faulty secondary heat exchanger.

3. Frequent Cycling

Cycling is the process whereby a furnace turns on and off in response to changes in your home’s indoor air temperature. When your furnace cycles too frequently or not frequently enough, it’s a sign that something is wrong. Cycling issues put a lot of undue stress on your furnace, often leading to the need for a new furnace installation.

When you recognize the need for furnace repair, it’s important to act quickly. Not only does a malfunctioning furnace leave you uncomfortable, but some problems may present danger. Call Western Hills Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. at the first sign of trouble to find out more about our furnace repair services.

Image provided by iStock

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