
How Much Energy Can You Save With Geothermal HVAC?

July 25, 2017

As an energy-conscious homeowner, you want your Lawrenceburg, Indiana, home to be as efficient as possible, no matter the season. If you’re still relying on natural gas to heat your home in the winter and electricity to cool it in the summer, consider making a change. Discover how geothermal HVAC works and learn how much you can save by choosing this efficient energy source.

Geothermal Works From the Ground Up

If you’re used to traditional forms of energy, you might be surprised to learn that geothermal HVAC systems pull energy from the ground. When the Western Hills Heating & Air Conditioning team installs one of these systems, we’ll place a network of coils a few feet below the surface of your backyard.

Inside your home, we’ll install a heat pump that conditions the air and controls the temperature. Instead of consuming fuel to do so, this specially configured heat pump draws energy from the geothermal system that’s right in your backyard.

Geothermal Is Great in Any Season

If you’ve relied on a furnace and an air conditioner for years, you’ll be amazed to find out that a geothermal HVAC system works efficiently all year long, no matter the temperature. That’s because even when the mercury rises during the summer or the cold winds blow during the winter, the soil temperature remains relatively constant.

In fact, the Department of Energy estimates that a geothermal pump can reach up to 600 percent efficiency on a cold winter night. On average, you’ll reduce energy consumption by up to 50 percent.

Geothermal Lasts for Decades

Replacing HVAC components every 10-15 years, which is the average age for most systems, creates waste. If you’re looking for a more sustainable option, geothermal is a smart pick. These systems last at least twice as long as standard HVAC components, and the ground loop in your backyard can last for 50 years or more.

Are you ready to make a sustainable choice for your family? Call Western Hills Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. today to learn more about our geothermal options: 812-227-3001.

Image provided by Bigstock

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